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Had I the Grace
Had I the grace to win the grace
Of some old man complete in lore,
My face would worship at his face,
Like childhood seated on the floor.
Had I the grace to win the grace
Of childhood, loving shy, apart,
The child should find a nearer place,
And teach me resting on my heart.
Had I the grace to win the grace
Of maiden living all above,
My soul would trample down the base,
That she might have a man to love.
A grace I have no grace to win
Knocks now at my half-open door:
Ah, Lord of glory, come thou in,
Thy grace divine is all and more.
~ George MacDonald, in Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, 1867
Musical setting by Andrew vonderLuft, Fall 2012
Musical setting by Andrew vonderLuft, Fall 2012