This course aims to provide students with a working facility in the Greek New Testament, that they may read God’s inspired words with greater understanding, exegete the sacred text as written, to the glory of God. Accordingly exercises and readings are taken almost exclusively from Scripture, and exegesis begins as soon as a very fundamental knowledge of the language allows.
As the Lord in his providence has preserved His Word over the centuries, so He has preserved the knowledge of the tongues in which He delivered it, so that His Church may continue to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus to each generation is given the joyous privilege and responsibility of learning the ancient languages of Scripture. It is especially needful in this time of cultural decline and famine for the Word, that we equip the next generation to faithfully hold forth the Word of Life to a dying world!
The primary text for the course is William D. Mounce’s Basics of Biblical Greek text, and its accompanying workbook, both available on Alibris. You can learn more about Dr. Mounce and his work on his personal website.
The course is open to students in good standing 15 years of age and older, including adults. Exceptions to the minimum age limit will be considered on the basis of merit and aptitude. The course is four semesters long, and class size is limited to 12 students. Initial enrollment of up to 15 students is accepted, in view of probable attrition. Tuition is refundable if the student drops within the first 2 weeks of the semester. Scholarships will be considered on a case by case basis. To make specific inquiries about this course you may email the teacher .
Demands of the Course
Before committing to take this class, you should count the cost. The rewards are indeed great, but the time commitment is commensurately great. To reap the rich fruits of success in this course, you should plan to study at least 1 to 1.5 hours a day, 5-6 days per week. Study groups can be quite helpful, and are strongly encouraged.
The Teacher
The course is taught by Andrew vonderLuft, B.A. Classics, who has read bits of classical Greek literature, including some Homer, Xenophon, Plato, and the Greek playwrights. But his delight is in the Holy Scriptures, hence his habitual practice of reading and studying the Greek New Testament and Septuagint.
Updates and Collaboration
This website is intended to be an information portal and point of reference. Check here regularly for class updates and resources for your study of Greek.
Class Books
We will be using Dr. Mounce’s text and workbook. There only minor differences between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions. Therefore if you already have any of these editions, you may use what you have. If you do not, they are available now at Alibris.
Here is the list of books: required, recommended, and resources.
Biblical Greek Study Guide - a set of laminated ‘cheat’ sheets.
Basics of Biblical Greek Flash Card Set. These are very helpful for learning vocabulary. You can download the free Flashworks computer program for PC and Mac from Bill Mounce’s site. However these traditional flashcards have no dependency on a computer and are hence more desirable, since you can easily take advantage of travel time in the car, etc.
Greek New Testament. This is after all the whole point, viz. to gain facility reading the Greek New Testament, but you don’t absolutely need to have your own copy right away. UBS 3rd or 4th edition.
Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament This gem is out of print, and getting a used copy can be fairly pricey. You may be able to get a good price at Alibris or other online booksellers, and it is well worth it if you can. But be sure to get the earlier edition linked to here, as the new edition has been thoroughly revised and is laced with much theological axe-grinding, unlike the earlier edition.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. With the advent of excellent Bible Study software like Accordance and BibleWorks, you don’t absolutely need to have a hard-copy lexicon. But, if you don’t like to be always tethered to a computer, and you like smell and feel of good books, you will eventually want to get one, and this is viewed by many as the best for the New Testament. It is expensive.
A Short Syntax of New Testament Greek, by Rev. H.P.V. Nunn, 1913. A brief and insightful overview of the elements of syntax.
Before the first class:
- Acquire the required books listed above
- Read the first 3 chapters of BBG (Basics of Biblical Greek)
- Master the Greek alphabet
- Watch Dr. Mounce’s lecture below to help you learn the alphabet (With all due regard, your teacher does not agree with Dr. Mounce in everything, e.g. pronunciation.)
- Contact the teacher if you have any questions.