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...for the faithful communication of the Good News given us in the Scriptures...

What is the Good News - “the Gospel”?

  • Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches from the parable:
    Matthew 20.1-16 - Workers in the vineyard

Why learn Greek?

  • It is the language of Scripture, by God’s appointment
    • It enables you to better understand God’s Truth
    • It is most expressive, full of subtle nuances and precision
    • It is ready-made to communicate abstract concepts such as “truth” et al.
    • It was the Lingua Franca of the Roman world
    • Original vs. Translation: Reading in Color rather than in Black and White
    • “Reading the Bible in translation is like kissing your wife through a veil” ~ Martin Luther
  • Side benefits
    • Logical discipline
    • Better understanding of Language in general, and English in particular, e.g. cognate and derivative words

Read The Importance of Biblical Languages

Codex Vaticanus

Faith Hope Love
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